Sell Your Outdoor Gear at Pando
Introducing the easiest way to earn money for the outdoor gear and apparel you no longer use. Just drop it off, and we’ll take care of the rest.
What We Accept
The following guidelines are for local trade-in and consignment, and will differ from what we accept through our mail-in program. Learn About Mail-In
Acceptable Items
- Camping & Hiking
- Cycling
- Climbing
- Skiing & Winter Sports
- Outdoor Apparel
- Running & Fitness
Items should be —
- Perfectly functional with all necessary pieces, and ready to use (with the exception of bikes, which we can tune for you).*
- From an established, recognized outdoor brand
- Clean and odor free
Items We Can't Accept —
- Team sports gear (football, basketball, hockey, etc)
- Firearms, hunting, or fishing equipment
- Skis older than 8-10 years
A few other considerations —
- Safety equipment or load-bearing equipment will in most cases not be accepted.
*Gear that doesn't quite meet these conditions, we can take as a donation. We'll do our best to find it a new home, or use it for repair parts.
Bike Consignment
We’d love to help you find a new home for your bikes, whether they be road, mountain, gravel, electric or other.
We sell bikes that are fully functional and ready to ride —
All bikes that are brought in are given a basic tune in our bike shop. This tune is complimentary if your bike is sold through us. If you choose to take your bike out of consignment or sell it elsewhere, we’’ll charge you the tuning fee upon pickup.
If your bike needs additional work in order to be ride-ready, we can provide a quote, and deduct it from your earnings once your bike sells.
How We Pay You
Not looking to get paid? Bring in your gear, choose from our list of local non-profits, and we’ll send the earnings their way.
Getting Started
Ready to go? Come on over to the shop any time during our regular business hours, and we’ll look through your gear with you and help you get started!
Provo, UT, 84601
parking and main entrance behind the building
Mon-Sat 10am-7pm
Save time at the shop, and sign the consignment agreement before you come —
Frequently Asked Questions
No worries! Bring it over anyways, and we’ll take a look at it with you. If it doesn’t qualify, we can still take it on donation and help you find a new home for it.
You’re also always welcome to call or email before you come.
Yep! With consignment you can take your earnings as cash (Venmo or Paypal). To help do our part to discourage gear theft, cash is not an option for trade-ins.
Absolutely. We love to work with brands, retailers, sponsored athletes, rental fleet managers, and anyone else who just happens to collect a lot of outdoor gear.
You’re welcome to come pick up your consigned gear at any point before it sells. A photo ID may be required. We cannot return gear that has been traded in, donated, or already sold on consignment. For items that have been serviced to prepare for selling (typically this is just bikes), you’ll be responsible for the service costs upon pickup.
Yep! Our requirements for shipped gear, plus how we pay you, are a little bit different. Learn More.